Monday, April 27, 2009

I am so behind....

this will have to be a catch up post.

Yes, that is Holly cutting her knitting! What she is doing is called crazy, no wait it is steeking. Nicole is modeling the sweater after is was steeked.
Then you have some finished objects from my Tuesday Night Knitting friends.
The bottom pic is a recent FO for a cloth swap on Ravelry.

We had a birthday party for John this past Friday. Here are some of the party-goers.


  1. Whew. There for a moment I thought YOU were steeking. That's brazen stuff!

  2. I dont even have the courage to ever STEEK anything I knit!!! Especially something that has that beautiful a pattern & color change... oh heck no!!! It must have worked though! Oh - be still my heart!!!

    Yippee... love seeing Nicole! I miss her!

    Looks like you've been busy!

  3. Wow! I could NEVER cut that sweater! Love you cloths great color combos, John Looked like he had a great time

  4. I wish I lived close enough to join your knitting group! It seems like such a nice group of people.

  5. Lots of fun pictures! I'm still afraid to steek.


Hi,it's nice to hear from you.
Come back soon!