Wednesday, June 10, 2009

School days

School has been out for about a week now. We are taking it slowly but soon will come up with some fun things to do. During the last week of school there was DARE graduation, 5th grade science fair and 1st, 3rd and 5th grade awards day. In the last 4 days of school I had to attend 5 events. It was hectic but look at those smiling faces.

I will have more for you later. I have been under the weather myself so I have gotten very behind on some things.


  1. Enjoy the summer break. I know I always did...

    Hope you're feeling better!

  2. Missed you! Did you crank up "Schools out for Summer"!?
    Hope your feeling better and we see your more!

  3. "Variable Capacitator"! I think your son just taught me something about electricity I didn't know! Ha.
    Congrats on having such wonderful little chickadees!


Hi,it's nice to hear from you.
Come back soon!