Monday, January 28, 2008

Playing catch up

So many things have been going on. Things I would have normally posted about as they were happening. I am having a difficult time getting to a good place. A place where I have joy to share. I am working on it tho. So here we are over a month past Christmas and I am just getting around to telling you about it. This is our tree on Christmas Eve. If you look closely you can see some presents that I put on the tree.
.Eli's contribution to the tree decoration is in the close up picture

We spent a couple hours at the ER on Christmas afternoon. Alex had to have 4 stitches. He raised up underneath a dresser drawer that had been left open about 1 inch. It was rough, the numbing gel did not work as well and he felt the first stitch. More was put on and the rest went ok.

One to some fun stuff. I got several really cool knitting books for Christmas.

Knitting with Wire
Cables Untangled
The Yarn Stash Workbook
Folk Style
Easy Knitted Socks
Knitting Rules
My Aunt Diane got me the best gift, I have the harmony options set. I am loving these needles.
That's it for now I will have more for you later.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Dogs on Thursday

It has been some time since I blogged anything. I am still sort of limping along, but things have to get better. DOT is a perfect post to get me going again.

Hutch has found that he is missing something in the big outside world. He and Starsky made a break for it Tuesday night right before I left for knitting. I went down the street after both of them with a few kids following. To make things worse the kids had been playing dress up and Starsky, who was wearing shorts and a t-shirt. Sorry no pics of that. Well, Starsky was caught just a house or two away. I had Olivia and our neighbor stand there and just hold him. Hutch on the other hand went half a block away and then down an alley. He got carried home. They were both on punishmnet for the rest of the night.
This is the duck that they got for Christmas. Starsky loves it alot more than Hutch does. He tries to take it everytime Starsky is playing. They are just like two littles kids.

Thursday, January 10, 2008


This sweet chubby cheeked baby is 6 years old today. He was my biggest baby, 9 lbs 1 oz. Some used to say that most of it was cheeks. One day old. A few weeks old.

It seems just like yesterday that he was a little baby being carried in the sling and nursing (most of the time)Eli at his favorite restaurant, and later in the evening have brownies with our friends across the street. Eli will have two days of partying, Saturday evening and Sunday afternoon.

Dogs on Thursday

Starsky and his Christmas present. We got hutch a duck but he really has no use for toys. Starsky took this huge ice cube out of their water bowl. They played and ran around with it for a long time.

Hutch is done with all this toy nonsense, he is waiting to go out.

I would love to know what they are thinking about. Hutch doesn't want to play with it, but he doesn't want Starsky to have it either.

Friday, January 4, 2008

An FO Friday (finally)

It has been quite some time since I have had anything to talk about or show you. I have been knitting tho. I will show a some Christmas pictures in a few days.
Now for the FO's
Garter Stitch Hat for my mom
Yarn: Plymouth Encore
di.Ve' Starship
It was a real pain holding the two yarns together. It ended up turning out pretty well.

UK blue/white scarf for cousin-in-law Tim's b-day.
Mock Cable
Yarn: Cascade Lana Grande Blueberry and Natural
I was a fun quick knit. It is a belated present now.

A Christmas present present for my brother JB.

The Gaugeless Hat
Yarn: Cascade Pastaza
Classic Elite Renaissance
Red Sails

This is one of my adorable little nephews, Noah.
He is sporting my first fair isle project. The Skull Hat I left out the charts above and below the skulls. I did not have the time to knit all the charts. He loved it but I can see the problems. Some of my floats were too tight so a few of the skulls seem to stretch.
Yarn: Dale of Norway
Dalegarn Falk
Purple and lime green.

I still have two UFOs that were supposed to be Christmas presents.
One of them a scarf with Touch Me Due. The yarn takes a frogging better than you would think.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

A New Year Meme

New Year's Eve -- do you like to stay in or go out? BC (before children) we always went out. But now we stay in.

Do you like to stay up or just go to sleep? Stay up to see the ball drop.

Any special plans this year? Nope we stayed home with the kids and had special snacks
What's your favorite New Year's memory? I have had some memorable New Year's Eve's but they were on the bad side.

Do you make New Year's Resolutions? Not really, but I hope this will be the year I learn to knit socks

Feel like sharing them?

Do you do anything special on New Year's Day? Nope nada nothin at all

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Tuesday night Knitting

I know it has been awhile. The holiday season makes things harder for me. I am slowly working my way out.
We did not do Christmas night knitting last week.
Tonight is was just Ruth, Sam and I. We had a great time anyway. I got a gift! Ruth made me some wonderful cotton fingerless mitts. They are so comfy, and have already made a difference in how my bad hand feels this cold night. Thank so much Ruth!~

Bad color in the pic, they are actually much darker.

This is a pair she made for her self. They are gorgeous .
I can't forget about cute adorable Sam. His hat was a felting accident. Bad news for the crocheter, good news for Sam.