Thursday, October 18, 2007

Dogs on Thursday

One of John's least favorite jobs is to scoop the yard. But it has to be done, so the kids can play outside without a mess. I do it once in a blue moon. I told him I had already dealt with all of the poop I was ever gonna. All the diapers I had changed and butts I have had to wipe.

Starsky make the job a little easier for John this week.

This week Starsky had colorful poop. It seems that he had eaten quite a few crayons, possibly half a box. It was only one of the small 16 count boxes. Don't worry I did not take any pictures of the colorful poop.


  1. I actually have taken pictures of my dogs' poops. One time it looked like a company logo. Another time Bucky looked so cute pooping I just had to take a picture. weired mom :-(

    Hope Starsky gets over crayon eating very soon. Don't imagine they are really good for pups.

  2. One of mine likes to pluck the fluff from tennis balls. Also good for colorful poop. ;)

  3. I'm getting ready to send your your package soon. Hopefully will be able to finish it up this weekend to put it in the mail early next week!!!

  4. Oh man... I think we might need a visual, lmao!

  5. It was probably really easy to find in the yard, too. It looks like the "kids" are having a ball.

  6. I'm so glad I have a wee dog. I know I couldn't handle all that.

    They look like happy boys. Handsome, too.

  7. LOL - another hilarious Sonya story!

  8. Ha! That reminds me of the time Gracie at a pack of watermelon bubble gum. Of course, she poo'd it at the dog park in front of all other more responsible dog mothers. It was red and green!!! I guess I should just be happy it didn't blow a bubble on the way out.


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