Thursday, September 25, 2008

Tuesday night knitting

not this past Tuesday but the Tuesday before. This past Tuesday I was sick and needed to stay near my bathroom. John was concerned, he thought I must be really bad if I was going to stay home from knitting. I hardly ever miss my knitting night.

Our regular place was without power on knitting night so Ruth, the ever so generous person she is, had us over to her house. She even made special cookies just for us. They were very good!

Sam is giving us a goodnight wave.


  1. Missed you this Tuesday. It was so nice of Ruth to invite us into her home and bake too!! Sam is so sweet!! We celebrated a little with Ruth this Tue. night for her birthday

  2. Ruth has a very cool place! And that Sam is just toooooo cute!

  3. Y'all know it was totally my pleasure to host a knitting night!
    I had a blast... (Sam did too, later that night... Right through his diaper! Yuk.)


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