Thursday, May 31, 2007

Here is the scoop for now. BD-Black Dog (I am refusing to let the kids name him) is still here with me. I misunderstood the initial amounts. I thought it was for diagnostics and treatment. Boy was I mistaken, the $500-$700 amount is just for them to find out exactly what his injuries are. So LABMED can't help yet because they only offer financial assistance for the actual treatment. So Shannon has been on the phone and found a vet that will do x-rays with anethesia and the bloodwork for $123.00 So I will be taking him there in the morning. Alex has offered his savings account but I do not want to let him do that.
I am now in the process of rethinking who our family vet will be. Hutch has been going to the first vets office.


  1. Hope things work out OK with BD- sweet face but stay srong. hanks for entering my stitch marker give away contest>

  2. Call around when it comes to xrays and such - if you're not comfortable to stay with your own family vet or you think the cost is too high. Also inquire to them if they give discounts for rescues... explain that you found the dog on the road in this condition and are trying to find an owner... they may give you the same "rescue" discount.

  3. YIKES, the perfect example of needing pet insurance I guess :-\ I hope it all works out!

  4. Wow-ee... I wouldn't know what to do - that sweet face!


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