Sunday, April 29, 2007

Olivia wearing the Amanda Headband

I had to cut the photo shoot short. It was bed time and she modeled it like a belt, around her head like the hippies use to wear and as a scarf then in her hair.
She plans to wear it to school tomorrow with a pretty blue shirt. I will certainly knit this again.


  1. Yeah!! Livy looks stunning!! She's so beautiful!

  2. Thank you Lora. She really likes it. Zoe will be 6 in just a few weeks, I will have to make a pink one for her.

  3. Those are just the cutest pics ever!!! Tell Livy she looks gorgeous rockin her mommas' knittin!!! :)

  4. ooo! The headband looks fantastic! I have to knit one for my little one (who has the same nightie, btw!). what a cutie!
    (btw -- puppy is great and is going to live w/ my bro-in-law! YAY!)

  5. She looks STUNNING! What a great job you did...and what a pretty model ; )

  6. Her headband came out so adorable - looks great on her!

  7. in the one photo she was trying to cover up the princesses that are in the front of the gown. She thinks she is getting to big for princess stuff.


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